Has Blogging reached its peak?
I know this post is technically a little early, as it is not 2008 yet, but back in 2006 a firm of analysts predicted that blogging would reach its peak in 2007.
Gartner predicted that during the middle of next year the number of blogs will level out at about 100 million. Link to news article
Well its nearly the end of the year in question, and technorati is currently indexing over 112 million blogs, and new blogs are still being created - the queue here for submissions is still large, new submissions are still pouring in, so I dont see any sign of it levelling off..
If anything, blogging seems more popular than ever, as I am seeing a lot of talk about blogs in forums, there was even a tv show on UK tv the other night about sexual confession blogs written by annonymous women (Sex in the Naughties).
Has blogging reached its peak? Personally I dont think so, not yet..
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