
LS Blogs - Blog Directory and Search Engine for the blogging community

How to submit your blog (or blog resource) into the Blog Directory at LSBlogs.

This site is divided into categories, there is a main category which lets you decided what type of site you are looking for

Simply select the category you are looking for, OR if you want to select a site, select the category that the site best belongs in (ie your weblog would go into Blogs, if you run a blog forum then you would go into the blog forum category - easy really.)

Keep on selecting a category, until you are in the category for the site you want to submit, then if there are no more categories left, a ADD URL link and picture will appear in the top right of the screen.

Click that, and you can add your own site, or favourite sites for FREE. Currently submissions are checked and approved (or not as the case may be) as soon as possible, but the queue is very large, and approval can be a lengthy process. Please be patient.
Remember you can submit your blog in more than one category, For example you could submit a blog from england about computers called UKCOMPUTERS, in

This will give you THREE listings in LS Blogs, and remember, all listings have "real links" they are not redirected through scripts!

Please remember the blog directory/blog search engine category is not for blogs themselves, it is for actual blog directories and blog search engines - only submit to that category if your sites is a blog directory or blog search engine!
All normal blogs should go into the weblog/blog category, under the appropriate sub category.
Please consider a link back, or a write up in your blog - you dont have to, but why not?
Remember its just me doing this site, and seeing people who submit but never link back/mention ls blogs is very depressing.
Come on folks at least consider being fair and giving a little something back.
Like I say, you dont have to, but it does make my day when someone does ;) regards ken
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